and Life coaching is a blend of a number of different modalities and
therapies. Most importantly it combines the practical change techniques
of Life Coaching, with the deep spiritual changes of pastoral or
spiritual development.
Why do we need it?
Because life coaching alone does not get to the root issues. It is very
useful at attaining goals in the short and medium term, but it never
truly asks the question of WHY? The question of why we want things is
often far more important than what we think we want. Frequently we
chase goals and targets and possessions because we THINK we SHOULD want
them. It is only through examination of the spiritual currents in our
lives that we can get in touch with what we truly want. This is what we
want on a soul level. This is what will make us truly fulfilled and
happy, rather than short term bursts of pleasure and achievement that
do not last and often leave us feeling an anti-climax afterwards. All
too many people succeed in some area of their lives they thought was
important, only to realise that they missed the big picture and ignored
the areas of their lives that really mattered to them.
Conventional pastoral counselling is more reactive than proactive and
tends to be provided after something has demonstratively gone WRONG, in
an attempt to spiritually FIX it. This is also not enough, since it
ignores the deeper issues of whether the event was really wrong or not,
or whether there was a deeper meaning. Also typically pastoral
counselling is far too impractical to deal with real life problems.
So what does it do?
It enables survival and positive experience in the short term, mainly
through life coaching and positive visualisation and counselling.
It enables a safe environment (a fairly enjoyable life) in which to
explore the deeper desires and meanings, identifying those that are
false and those that are crucial to longer term happiness. This is the
medium term - a time of discovery and exploration. Unlike in many
modalities, where this is precipitated by life crisis, we work to
calmly and positively explore.
In the long term it allows the realignment of values, goals and targets
in a way that reflects our real internal balance and desires. Thus it
brings life into balance: practical with innermost desires. This is the
effective route to happiness!
How come it has not been done
Ah - but it has!
So why have I not heard about it?
Stop to think for a moment - what do religions, politics, big business,
cults, sects and other such bodies all have in common?
Strong opinion! Whether you call it religious doctrine, political
agenda, communal decision making or anything else, it is really simple.
All such bodies what you to comply with THEIR goals and agendas.
Therefore over the many thousands of years that our sort of spiritual
development has been used, it has been done quietly and secretly most
of the time to avoid persecution.
Putting a person in touch with their most inner desires, helping them
to throw off conditioning, enabling them to achieve independently....
These are all HUGE threats to any organisation based on control and
telling ou what to think!
The ancient art of Kabbalah, the Gospel of St Thomas, the Wiccan Rede,
the modern day work of Eckhart Tolle and Neale D Walsh, the concept of
Dianetics, all have much in common, and are concerned with individual empowerment.